Dear Family and Friends, We are writing today with some updates for you about Veterans’ Week and Remembrance Day, as well as our virtual event, Kms4Care, and an upcoming online silent auction of Christmas decorations and ornaments! Veterans’ Week and Remembrance Day Broadmead Care is proud to be the primary long term care provider for…
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Dear Family and Friends, Just like that – or so it seems – it’s October – and the Premier has called an election for Saturday, October 24, 2020. Today we have an update about voting in the Provincial Election, news about Veterans Week, and some helpful suggestions about communicating while wearing a mask. Voting in…
Dear Family and Friends, In late April we wrote to you with information from Island Health about what would happen if a resident in one of our Care Homes received a positive COVID-19 test. At that time, the protocol was that the affected resident(s) might have been transferred from our Care Home to one of…
Dear Family and Friends, We are writing to you today with a few updates from Island Health and the BC Centre for Disease Control, and a reminder about an exciting virtual event coming up in October. In our most recent update, we wrote about amendments to guidelines for social visits, essential visits, and end of…
We are writing to you today with a few updates from Island Health with respect to guidelines for visits to Care Homes, and news about an exciting virtual event coming up in October. As well, we would like to make sure you are aware of an important survey released by the Office of the Seniors…
Dear Family and Friends of residents at Veterans Memorial Lodge, Your visits with loved ones have brought so much joy, and we are delighted that more than 225 of you have already spent time visiting in person at Veterans Memorial Lodge. As we work together to ensure that as many designated social visits happen as…
Dear Family and Friends, It has been wonderful to see many of you over the past three weeks during your visits with your loved ones. Since we opened our doors to designated social visitors on July 15, hundreds of you have been able to spend time face to face with your loved ones, and our…
Residents at Broadmead Care’s care homes in Sidney, Saanich, and Victoria have once again been enjoying visits with family members. Cora’s husband moved in to Veterans Memorial Lodge in February of this year. She hasn’t seen him in person since mid-March. Today, wearing a dress purchased for the occasion, she said, “This visit means everything…
Dear Family and Friends, We are delighted that many of you have been able to enjoy face-to-face visits with your loved ones in our Care Homes. It is a beautiful privilege to be witness to these touching reunions. As we continue to take guidance from Island Health, we are pleased to advise that, as of…
Earlier this year, we were given $30,000 from the Rapid Relief Fund (Victoria Foundation, the Jawl Family, and the Times Colonist), to help keep loved ones and residents connected and engaged during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are so grateful for this generous donation. With it, we were able to increase communication between families and residents…
We are delighted to welcome you back into our Broadmead Care Homes. On June 30, the Minister of Health, Adrian Dix and the Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry announced that long term care homes may open their doors for social visits, allowing residents to have in-person visits with one single designated visitor. Visits will…
Dear Family and Friends, We are writing to you today with an exciting update about visitation to our Care Homes. This afternoon, the Hon. Adrian Dix, Minister of Health for BC, and Dr. Bonnie Henry, Provincial Health Officer, outlined changes to visiting residents in long term care and assisted living homes. Essentially: the time is…