Broadmead Care is proud to be the primary long term care provider for veterans on Vancouver Island, and we are one of the larger care homes serving veterans in Canada. It is a privilege to be able to give back to those who served Canada and her people with courage and self-sacrifice.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Veterans Legacy Fund?
The Veterans Legacy Fund supports enhancement programs, medical equipment, and capital costs for Canada’s veterans and seniors living in Broadmead Care Homes.
Your contribution will be invested into an endowment fund through the Broadmead Care Foundation to carefully steward and manage your funds. Broadmead Care Foundation’s endowment fund would be set up to spend down the principle by 10% every year after year 2, and reinvest the interest, thereby satisfying Canada Revenue Agency guidelines, which require an annual 3.5% disbursement of the average value of the property
How can I help?
We created the Veterans Legacy Fund as source of funding to ensure the survival of vital programs that support Canadian Armed Forces veterans.
The number of Canada’s WWII and Korean War veterans is declining, creating uncertainty around the capacity of Veterans Affairs Canada to support programs for the modern day Canadian Armed Forces veterans who require long term care.
As the number of WWII and Korean War veterans decreases, so does the funding for programs like dementia care, creative arts, spiritual care, and music therapy. This impact was strongly felt in 2019, when resources to the creative arts program budget were cut in half.
We think it’s really important to ensure sustainable funding to safeguard the future of these programs for post-war veterans — those who served after the Korean War. These Canadian Armed Forces veterans need, and should be given, the same quality of care as WWI and Korean War veterans.
It is a great honour to care for Canada’s veterans and with your help we look forward to continuing this role on Vancouver Island for many years to come.