Why does Broadmead Care Fundraise?

Did you know that Broadmead Care — which owns Beckley Farm Lodge, Harriet House, Nigel House, Nigel Living, Rest Haven Lodge, the Veterans Health Centre, and Veterans Memorial Lodge — is a non-profit organization?

Are you curious about why we hold various fundraising campaigns and events throughout the year?

Choose an option below to learn more about our non-profit status and why your donations matter so much to those who live and work in our Homes.

Do you know what ‘non profit’ means?

Broadmead Care Society is a non-profit organization. It is incorporated under the BC Societies Act, and recognized as a registered charity under the Income Tax Act. This means we do not seek to make a profit. As a non-profit Society with a volunteer Board of Directors, all funds we receive are invested in programs and services. Because none of the funds are reserved for profit, we can offer affordable living options..

This means we can focus entirely on our Purpose: To build communities where every person can experience wellbeing and happiness.

Why we need your support.

We receive funding from Island Health, Veterans Affairs Canada, BC Housing, and monthly payments from residents. The funding we receive covers the basics: buildings, heat, light, food, and 24/7 staff who provide compassionate, top-notch care for the people who live in our Homes.

In addition to basic operating costs, we apply annually for items that are essential, but aren’t covered by funding. You might be surprised to learn that this includes specialized or upgraded equipment that ensures safety, comfort, and dignity. Think: overhead lifts, slings, tub chairs, physiotherapy and occupational therapy supplies, blanket and towel warmers, bed alarms, call bell systems … and the list goes on.

This also include programs like Creative Arts, Music, Entertainment, outings, and other activities that bring joy to the people who live in our Homes. In some cases, as at Nigel House, we fundraise to provide companions to accompany people to medical appointments. Imagine if you couldn’t go see the doctor because no one was available to help you, and you couldn’t afford to hire someone on your own. That’s where you come in: your donations help provide day-to-day assistance and enjoyment that many of us take for granted.

The financial landscape is challenging. The demand for crucial programs, specialized equipment, and services often exceeds our funding by a ratio of 3:1. This means that for every $100 in funding we ask for, we receive $30. We need to find the other $70 from alternate sources like grants, events, or fundraising campaigns. That’s why donations from generous supporters like you are vital. Your contributions help us enhance people’s quality of life by filling the 70% gap.

If you’re inspired to support our Purpose and help bring safety, dignity, comfort, and happiness to the people who live in our Homes, click here to donate today, or call Shannon at 250.658.3274.