Second-dose COVID-19 Vaccinations given at Veterans Memorial Lodge

On Wednesday, May 5, 2021, 206 people who live at Veterans Memorial Lodge received their second-dose COVID-19 vaccinations.

Island Health staff were on site to run the vaccination clinic, and Broadmead Care team members made sure everyone who wanted one received their vaccine. The clinic ran extremely well, and was concluded by 2pm.

CEO David Cheperdak said, “We are delighted that nearly everyone who lives in our Care Homes has received their second vaccine. This gives our Care Home community more confidence in the safety and wellbeing of family and other visitors coming into our Homes. This also brings hope as we move towards normalizing life for those who live and work in long term care.”

Everett and Thelma, residents at Veterans Memorial Lodge long term care home in Victoria BC, give thumbs up after receiving their second-dose COVID-19 vaccination.
Everett and his wife Thelma, residents at Veterans Memorial Lodge, give ‘thumbs up’ after receiving their second Covid-19 vaccination. Photo Credit: Anne-Marie Sorvin/Island Health