Designated Social Visitor Guidelines

We are delighted to welcome you back into our Broadmead Care Homes. On June 30, the Minister of Health, Adrian Dix and the Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry announced that long term care homes may open their doors for social visits, allowing residents to have in-person visits with one single designated visitor. Visits will be booked in advance starting July 15, 2020 and will occur in one of three areas: Outside, Indoors, or in some cases in a single room. Visits will be scheduled based on a Care Homes ability and capacity to offer and manage visits in a healthy and safe way.

The Ministry of Health (MoH) has developed clear guidelines to support visits between families and residents of long term care. These guidelines set out how visits will be methodically and thoughtfully managed, so as to balance the importance of in-person visits with the need for safety. Each Broadmead Care Home has developed a plan and process that supports the MoH guidelines.

We ask for your patience and understanding as we implement and follow these guidelines to ensure your safety as well as that of the residents and staff. We both have a collective accountability and commitment to adhere to the guidelines to reduce risk for you, residents, other visitors and staff.
Please review the following prior to your visit:


  • Residents will be able to visit with one family member or friend – you have been selected or assigned as the single designated visitor.
  • Visitors will be contacted by email or by phone (depending on the Care Home) to review the process and guidelines for visiting; and to complete the pre-screening questionnaire. If you do not have access to email, a staff member will call you.
  • Visits are not allowed if there is an active COVID-19 outbreak at the Care Home of your loved one.
  • Visitors will not be able to visit if you or the resident you are visiting are sick or have any COVID-19 symptoms.
  • All visits must be booked in advance to allow for them to be conducted safely.
  • Visits are scheduled by calling the Care Home Receptionist on main phone line during business hours. See phone numbers below.
  • A medical grade surgical or procedural mask will be provided. A cloth mask is not acceptable.
  • The date, time and location of your visit will be confirmed by the Receptionist.
  • All visits will take place in a specific “visiting location,” which will be organized by each Care Home. This will be in a designated area either outdoors; indoors; or bedside in the resident’s room (if single occupancy).
  • Social visits will be scheduled for 30 – 60 minutes. This time must be respected as exceeding this time may impact the social visits of other residents.
  • A staff member will let you know if the resident is unable to visit at the scheduled time. The visit will have to be rescheduled.


  • Please arrive at your scheduled time slot.
  • You will be asked to complete a screening form, which includes questions regarding signs and symptoms of illness, including COVID-19, prior to every visit.
  • Once you have completed the screening process, you will be asked to sign into the logbook and to provide contact information (phone number or email for Public Health Contact Tracing).
  • Visitors will be shown and need to demonstrate effective hand hygiene and appropriate coughing/respiratory etiquette before being allowed to visit.
  • You will be escorted directly to the specific “visiting location.”
  • If indoors, visitors are required to wear a medical grade surgical or procedural mask and wear it for the duration of their visit. Cloth masks are not acceptable. For outside visits a mask is to be worn if unable to maintain 2m physical distance.
  • Visitors will maintain a physical distance of 2m or 6 feet from other residents and staff.
  • Social visits are 30 – 60 minutes in duration. This time must be respected as exceeding this time may impact the social visits of other residents.
  • Please don’t bring any food or beverages for you or the resident you are visiting.
  • You will not be able to use the washroom facilities during your visit.
  • Please ensure you follow the guidelines in place. If there is something you don’t understand, please ask.


  • Immediately after a visit, please conduct appropriate hand hygiene, sign out of the logbook and remove your mask.
  • Visitors must leave the facility directly after signing out.
  • We encourage families and friends to stay in touch with residents virtually or remotely.

As a reminder, the best practice for the prevention of transmission of the COVID-19 virus is to frequently wash your hands, cough and sneeze into your elbow or a tissue, do not touch your face, maintain a physical distance of 2m, and wear a mask.

We would like to thank you in advance for your assistance and understanding as we ensure all of our residents have an opportunity to visit with their single designated visitor. By working together, we will continue to live in The Broadmead Way: with kindness, with gratitude, and with great love.

Once again, we look forward to seeing you.

Scheduling a Visit – Please call:

Beckley Farm Lodge: 250-381-4421 extension 229

  • Designated visitors will arrange for social visit through the Activity Department.
    Arrangements can be made 7 days per week. Leave a message if no one available to take your call.

Nigel House: 250-475-2050 extension 319

  • Designated visitors will arrange for a social visit through the Social Worker. If unavailable then social visit will be arranged through Reception.
  • Call between Monday to Friday 9:30 am – 2:30 pm.
  • Leave a message if no one available to take your call.

Rest Haven Lodge: 250-656-0717

  • Designated visitors will contact the Home Assistant to book a visit. Any other concerns should be directed to the Social Worker.
  • Call between Monday to Friday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm.
  • Otherwise, Reception is available 7 days per week. Leave a message if no one available to take your call.

Veterans Memorial Lodge: 250-658-0311

  • Designated visitors will contact Reception at Veterans Memorial Lodge to schedule a social visit.
  • Reception is available 7 days per week. Leave a message if no one available to take your call.