Outbreak Declared at Veterans Memorial Lodge

Since the last week of February 2020, Broadmead Care has worked swiftly and diligently to implement measures to protect the people who live and work with us, under the direction of the Ministry of Health, Provincial Health Officer, and Island Health. The health and wellbeing of your loved one has always been at the centre of any decision we have made, and this continues to be our priority. Unfortunately, today we need to let you know that two residents have tested positive for COVID-19.

What you need to know

  • Nine residents have tested positive for COVID-19 at Veterans Memorial Lodge (VML): four on A2 and five on B3 as of January 20, 2022.
  • Island Health’s Medical Health Officer declared an Outbreak at VML on January 15.
  • Broadmead Care’s Medical Director ordered Outbreak Precautions at VML on January 14. We are following Island Health’s COVID-19 Outbreak Precautions.
  • The residents who tested positive are currently isolated in their respective rooms.  
  • Residents and staff in impacted areas will be monitored twice daily for symptoms.
  • The affected rooms and common areas continue to be under enhanced cleaning and infection controls measures.
  • Staff movement will be limited wherever possible.
  • There will be no congregate dining or group activities for residents of affected lodges.
  • Broadmead Care is in contact with Island Health. 
  • Social Visitors have been suspended at Veterans Memorial Lodge effective January 14, 2022.
  • Essential Visits will continue as usual.

While we have taken every precaution to try to prevent a COVID-19 positive test, we have always understood that it was still possible this could happen. Please be assured that staff in all our Care Homes are very familiar with infection control protocols. We will continue to follow the guidance of Island Health and the BC Centre for Disease Control.

What you need to do

If you have not been contacted by Island Health or Broadmead Care directly, your loved one is not affected.

We wish to assure you we will continue to make decisions in the best interests of residents and staff. The safety and wellbeing of our residents and staff is of the utmost importance to us, and we will keep you updated as information becomes available. Thank you for your understanding during this challenging time.

You are welcome to use our Keep Connected webpage to stay in touch with your loved one. You can also check the status of our Care Homes on our COVID-19 Status webpage.