Special Equipment Legacies

Leave a Gift in Your Will to Broadmead Care

Peter and Connie are avid cyclists. Through a gift in their Will, they will provide opportunities for special equipment to help future residents of Broadmead Care ‘keep moving’.

We’ve always been active, a legacy from our parents, who themselves were active volunteers, cyclists, hikers, and runners. As we get a little older, we are learning more and more how important motion is to overall health. After Peter’s Dad was no longer able to walk outside, he used his walker to make several laps around the house every day!

My dad has been diagnosed Alzheimer’s Disease and Lewy Body Dementia. He lives thousands of miles away, and while I can’t be there every day, I know someone is taking really good care of him. I am so thankful for their kindness and loving care.

I work for Broadmead Care, and every day I witness the genuine compassion expressed by staff for the people who live here. I want to help provide the same for someone else’s parent. We’ve decided to leave a gift to Broadmead Care in our Will, in loving memory of Peter’s parents — his Dad was a long-time volunteer at Veterans Memorial Lodge— and to honour my Dad in his journey.

We hope our gift will bring joy, purpose, and movement in the future for people who live in Broadmead Care Homes.

~ Connie

To include Broadmead Care in your Will, work with your lawyer or notary to create a new Will or to add a codicil to your existing Will.

Download your free Legacy Giving Brochure.

The information on this page is not legal or financial advice. Broadmead Care encourages donors to contact their professional advisors when considering a gift of publicly listed securities.