BC’s Vaccine Card and National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Dear Family & Friends of Broadmead Care,

I have been at Broadmead Care for two weeks now — and it has been a wonderful time of getting to know team members and settling in to my role as President and CEO. I look forward to meeting as many residents and family members as I can over the next few weeks, as opportunities present themselves, and as COVID-19 allows.

BC Vaccine Cards

You are likely aware of the recent Provincial Health Order regarding the requirement to show a vaccine passport at certain non-essential places of business. This may include places you take your loved one for an outing or visit. People who live in our long term Care Homes are also residents of BC, and need to follow the provincial process for obtaining proof of vaccination and the BC Vaccine Card. For more information and to obtain a BC Vaccine Card for yourself or your loved one, please visit www2.gov.bc.ca/vaccinecard.html.

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

In June 2021, the Canadian Government designated September 30, 2021, as Canada’s first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

In recent years September 30 has been known as Orange Shirt Day, in honour and remembrance of the generations of Indigenous children who were taken from their families and communities, and placed in residential schools. It has also been a day to acknowledge those who did not return home.

This Day is an important opportunity for the nation to move forward together in the spirit of hope, towards healing and reconciliation. As part of our commitment to better understand the truth of our shared history, and to honour Indigenous Peoples, Broadmead Care will observe September 30 as a paid Holiday.

There will be no change to Care Home operations on September 30. We simply wish to let you know of our commitment to reconciliation and healing with Indigenous Peoples, and invite you to participate, in your own way, in this important National Day.

Thank you, as always, for your ongoing support for Broadmead Care. I look forward to meeting as many of you and your loved ones as I can in the coming weeks, as opportunity and COVID-19 protocols allow.


Derrick Bernardo
President and CEO

Learn more about Truth and Reconciliation