Thank you for the many ways you support Broadmead Care Homes. Together, with the active participation of family and friends, we form a community of care for the people who live and work here.
As you may be aware, each of our Homes has had an active Family Council for several years. Some of you may have participated on this Council in the past. The Council usually includes residents, family members, and Broadmead Care staff, and is chaired by Broadmead Care Social Workers. It is useful for gathering feedback about programs or services. Sometimes we offer educational information, or time to chat with each other.
In March 2023, the Ministry of Health asked for support to create new family run Councils at all care homes in the province. Their structure is a bit different from the way we run our existing Council, and we want to give you information about this additional opportunity to participate.
The family run Council is made up of family members of people currently living in a Broadmead Care Home, along with a Broadmead Care staff representative. The work of planning, running, and conducting meetings is entirely managed by the Chair and his or her Council.
Family run Council Chairs are also invited to participate in a Vancouver Island Regional Resident and Family Council network. Click here to view a brochure provided by the Vancouver Island Family Councils with more information for your consideration.
While Family Councils are not a new way to be involved with Broadmead Care Homes, we do want to be sure you are aware of the opportunity to participate in this new format. Please speak with your Home Manager or your social worker about the options available for you.
Thank you again for your generous and continual support. We appreciate the many ways you help us provide exceptional care for the people who live and work in Broadmead Care Homes.