Family & Friends Update — September 24, 2020

Dear Family and Friends,

In late April we wrote to you with information from Island Health about what would happen if a resident in one of our Care Homes received a positive COVID-19 test. At that time, the protocol was that the affected resident(s) might have been transferred from our Care Home to one of Island Health’s designated COVID-19 units (at that time, the Royal Jubilee Hospital), at the discretion of the Medical Health Officer, where they would stay until their symptoms resolved.

Yesterday we received the attached letter from Island Health to be shared with family and friends of our residents, which provides additional clarification.

Simply put, if a positive COVID-19 test was received – and we are doing everything we can to prevent that – the Medical Health Officer (MHO) would make a decision to either keep the resident at the Care Home, or to transfer them to a COVID-19 care unit elsewhere. The decision by the MHO would be made in consultation with the resident’s physician and Care Team.

As Fall progresses, together we will continue to do everything we can to protect the wellbeing and happiness of the people who live and work in our Care Homes. Thank you for your help to keep everyone as safe as possible; we appreciate your patience, understanding, and support.