Dear Family and Friends,
As I’m sure you are, we are happy to see the numbers of confirmed COVID-19 cases continuing to decline in the Province, and the number of recoveries rise. As we continue to work diligently to keep COVID-19 out and to ensure the safety of the people who live and work in our Care Homes, we’ve found opportunities to further The Broadmead Way in our day-to-day interactions.
Family & Friends Mini-Survey
Last week we shared with you the very positive results from our Family & Friends mini-survey. We are also delighted that 25 family members have offered to volunteer for Broadmead Care in a wide variety of areas. We are grateful for your offers of assistance, and will be in touch with those who responded as quickly as we can.
Outbreak Response Plan
As you know, we have been working hard to keep COVID-19 out of our Care Homes, and with your help, we have been successful. Thank you for your efforts on behalf of your loved ones and the people who work in our Homes.
As part of our normal operations, we are always prepared to manage an outbreak, such as the flu or influenza, in all our Care Homes. However, COVID-19 requires additional preparation. We want you to know that we have an Outbreak Response Plan in place. We are working to ensure everyone in our Homes knows what to do in the unlikely event a staff member or resident tests positive for COVID-19 in one of our Care Homes.
Creative COVID-19 Fundraising
This week – in fact, tomorrow, May 28! – we are launching our first-ever virtual fundraising event: Stay ‘N Play! Since we’re not able to host our Annual Charity Golf Tournament, we ‘took a mulligan’ and instead are delighted to host a week-long event that will culminate with our live-streamed Grand Finale on June 4 at 4pm. Co-hosted by Al Ferraby (CFAX morning show) and Jack Knox (columnist, Times Colonist), the half-hour show promises lots of laughter, live draws, and guests, including extra-special messages from residents! When you join us, and stay for the entire broadcast, you’ll be eligible to win a $1,000 gift card from Capital Iron – just in time to deck out your backyard oasis.
When you donate to our fundraising campaigns, you directly impact the wellbeing and happiness of the people who live with us. They are so grateful for your contributions – and we’re looking forward to the Annual Charity Golf Tournament returning next year!
Thanking our Staff
Your messages of thanks warm our hearts. This week we want to share with you these words from Ann, whose husband lives at Rest Haven Lodge.
I am grateful every day for the excellent care that my husband receives at Rest Haven Lodge. I know you are looking after his wellbeing in every way and look forward to the day I can thank you all in person.
Thank you for everything you are doing to reduce the spread of COVID-19 as we continue to do act in the best interests and safety of your loved ones.