Who can turn the world on with a smile? Our pets! The relationship we share with our pets can change the way we see the world.
Animal-assisted therapy is considered an alternative or complementary therapy, and is used in a variety of ways, like helping in a traditional therapy session such as counselling, supporting children as they are learning to read, or working in areas like examination halls at universities and even in airport lounges as people wait to board their planes.
Pet Therapy is perfect for senior residences and long term care homes. Interacting with a pet can be a wonderful therapeutic aid, supporting social, emotional, and cognitive wellbeing. Pets are non-judgmental. Give them love and they give it back tenfold, and more.
Pet Therapy helps lower stress and anxiety levels, and helps to increase emotional awareness. It is amazing how dogs provide such special, unconditional acceptance. I have seen people engage with my dog visually and verbally, when they had not spoken for some time.
One of the most wonderful things we humans can do is to share our pets through therapy programs in our communities. I feel fortunate to be part of the Broadmead Care community of support, along with my Golden Retriever, Sturgis.
Dogs have an innate ability to help us, heal us, lessen our stress, and make us feel as though we are their whole world. They show us a sense of caring unique in the animal world. Trained therapy dogs are accustomed to being around a variety of mobility aids, from wheelchairs to walkers, and medical equipment too.
Petting a dog is calming, even releasing endorphins like oxytocin, and
research studies have shown that petting a dog can help blood pressure to go down and help to reduce depression.
Pets brighten our lives in so many ways, and pet therapy is one way we can spread our pets’ special sunshine.
Guest author Suzi Beber