Allan logged more than 30km in our Kms4Care event!

The people who live and work at Rest Haven Lodge played an important and enthusiastic part in our Kms4Care event this year.

Allan, pictured right (in the blue sweater) with two Broadmead Care team members, logged more than 30km in their efforts to raise funds — for his own Home! He was part of the Rest Haven Lodge teams coordinated by Activity Worker Taryn, composed of staff and residents alike. Together, they raised $1,360! We want to give a shout-out of thanks to all the generous donors! For his efforts, Allan won a gentleman’s watch — and rumour has it Taryn might have been gifted some chocolates …

Altogether, $11,645 was raised by Km4Care teams. This money will be used to purchase important safety equipment, like slings, that is not completely covered by government funding. Slings help Broadmead Care staff move residents safely and effectively, with comfort and dignity.

Thanks to Allan, the Rest Haven Lodge teams, and everyone who participated in this year’s event!