One Woman. Five Marathons in Five Days.

One woman. Five marathons. In five days. To raise $5,000.

To say we’re amazed by Tracy Marshall’s offer to run five marathons in five days to raise $5,000 for the seniors who live at Beckley Farm Lodge would be an understatement. We’re blown away!

Tracy’s mom, Carol, lived at Beckley Farm Lodge until she passed away in March of this year. The care and compassion that was shown her mother during her time there inspired Tracy to want to honour the staff at Beckley Farm Lodge, and honour her mother’s memory. “I really want to show my gratitude and do something to help. It will be a challenge for sure, but I think it is totally doable!” said Tracy.

From Thursday, June 18 to Monday, June 22, Tracy will run the 42.4 km GoodLife Fitness Marathon route, and finish the last of her five runs at Beckley Farm Lodge. With the support of family and friends, she has already raised over $3,200 of her $5,000 goal!

You can learn more and help Tracy meet her goal by supporting her efforts through

Thank you, Tracy, for your generous ‘heart and sole’ that support the seniors who live at Beckley Farm Lodge. We are so grateful for you.