2023 — 2024 Annual Report to the Community

I am pleased to share with you the Annual Report for the fiscal year April 1, 2023 through March 31, 2024. Click the image to read the Annual Report on line.

I continue to be humbled and delighted in equal measure by the resilient spirits and ‘joie de vivre’ of the people who enter Broadmead Care Homes: those who live here, the clients who attend our Adult Day Programs, family members and friends, staff and volunteers. You touch hearts every day, and are an important part of this community of care.

This year’s Annual Report contains just a few of the many stories our halls and hearts hold. I hope they bring a smile to your face, as they do to ours, every day.

Your generosity is directly responsible for many of these stories. Every contribution has an immediate impact, and creates a ripple effect that sends waves of compassion across people’s lives and hearts. In short: you make a difference for many. We are so much the better for your involvement and participation.

Thank you for your ongoing support. I am so grateful for the many ways you bring love, life, and living to the people who live in, visit, and work in our Homes.

Derrick Bernardo
President & CEO