We are finding new and innovative ways to keep our most vulnerable populations safe, and embracing technology to help relieve the pressure on healthcare workers – not only through this pandemic, but well into the future.
This comes at a cost, which is not covered by government funding.
The Voice of Care Campaign will fund a new duress call system at Veterans Memorial Lodge, at a cost of $160,000.
Our current call system is a button in a resident’s room, near a bed or on the wall. Residents or staff press it to call for help. Our current system uses notification lights and call bells to get the attention of staff. It’s a guessing game to determine the level of care needed before entering a resident’s room.
But this new technology will put us at the forefront! Staff will be armed with the latest in portable technology, and residents’ rooms will be fitted with a communication system, including a two-way speaker. When help is needed, residents will be able to speak with staff right away. Valuable time is saved when staff are able to prioritize care, and residents have immediate comfort when they know their voice has been heard.
The Jim Pattison Foundation will DOUBLE your donation, up to a total of $80,000, in support of the Voice of Care campaign.
If you have any questions or experience technical difficulty with our online donation page, please call us at 250.658.3274, or send an email to donations@broadmeadcare.com.