Thanks to Bob’s caring heart, people like Joe are being helped.
Bob’s* father, Joe*, was a Second World War Veteran. When he began to experience difficulties with mobility and dementia, Joe moved to Veterans Memorial Lodge, a Broadmead Care Home with priority access for veterans.
Bob saw firsthand the care that his father received. “The compassion that staff demonstrated to Joe, and to our family, during this difficult phase of his life, was outstanding.”
Joe lived at Veterans Memorial Lodge for just under two years, and during that time, Bob observed every member of the Care Team making a special effort to connect with his father. “They made a point of learning what brought him joy, and engaging him in a way that made him smile. We are so grateful for that because staff made his life better, every day.”
Bob and his family wanted to express their gratitude to us, and decided to make a donation in Joe’s honour.
They want their gift to support seniors and veterans. Bob’s financial advisor suggested he make a gift of stock rather than cash. By donating stock – a form of legacy giving – Bob avoids paying tax on any capital gains. Gifting stock benefits both the giver and the receiver.
We were privileged to care for Joe through his final months, and are so thankful for Bob’s donation to help future veterans in our Homes.
Names have been changed to preserve anonymity.